A sailors guide to the Solent, where to go and what to see without spending a fortune.
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For 30 odd years we have been sailing the south coast between Chichester Harbour in the east and Hurst Point in the west. This is about the limit of our weekend sailing, mainly because we enjoy arriving as much as getting there.
The Solent is one of the busiest and most expensive areas in the country in which to sail but, for weekend sailing with a family, it is probably the best. Lots of destinations are within a few hours sail of each other and the waters are relatively sheltered.
The following pages are a personal pick of the places we regularly visit on our weekend sails. They have one thing in common, they are (relatively) cheap, especially when compared to the marinas in the area.
Of course, being cheap often means lying to an anchor and using a dinghy to get ashore. That has its benefits, like not having dozens of people trooping over the deck when the pubs turn out.
This is a work in progress so some pages will have little information. Please bear with me...
If there are places you think should be included please e-mail me
and perhaps I can try them out.
Thanks to those who have already e-mailed info and ideas, they have, for the most part, been included. All contributions gratefully received and will be acknowledged where feasible.
Just for the record, I have tried to be as accurate as possible but any advice or pilotage information contained on these pages must be used only at your own discretion. I do not accept liability for any problems you may encounter.