The capital of the Island and it's main shopping centre, Newport is a bustling town with all the amenities required to stock the boat. This is a very sheltered harbour right in the centre of the Island. Pubs, restaurants, cafes abound. Buses can transport you to every other corner of the Island.
The quoted depths for Newport are 2.5 metres on Spring tides and 1.8 metres on Neaps.
Boats that can dry upright should tie to the visitors pontoons which have water and electricity available. Fin keeled boats can dry alongside the quay wall. The bottom is relatively firm at the quay wall, and it dries completely, so a quick scrub off is perfectly feasible. (see below). Showers and toilets are on the quayside but you need to get a key from the harbourmaster for the duration of your visit.
In the past we have stayed several days, safe and secure, while gales and rain have battered the rest of the Solent. With young children there is nothing worse than being stuck on a boat for days on end. From here the whole Island is available. There is a pleasant walk to Carisbrooke castle which is especially enjoyable for children. The Donkey-powered well is always a favourite. Another attraction is the Quay Arts Centre on the quayside.
Other walks include a stroll down the east bank of the Medina towards the Island Harbour Marina, the Folly and Whippingham. There is also a walk along the west bank of the Medina toward Cowes which will lead you into a nature reserve, Dodnor Creek and Dicksons Copse, behind the Mill Pond about one mile north from Newport.
Nowadays we tend to use Newport for a short stay, drawing less than 3 feet, we can get up the Medina into the harbour about 2 1/2 hours befor high water and stay till 2 hours after. This gives us long enough to wander about the town and have a drink or a meal and even to walk to Carisbrooke. Mooring overnight down stream at The Folly gives more flexibility for arriving and leaving.
Guide price : £4.50 Short stay (28ft 2008/2011). £9.00 Overight (28ft 2008). £12.00 Overight (28ft 2009). £13.50 Overnight (28ft 2012)
The entrance channel to Newport Harbour, buoys port and starboard, leading lights just beyond yacht.
The view towards the entrance from the quay. Visitors (drying) pontoons on the right of the picture.
The view towards Newport town centre at low tide. Fin keeled boats can dry against the quay on the
left of the picture. The bottom here is gravel and there is usually a couple of inches of water
so it's an ideal place to scrub off. Fender boards are available at the harbour master's office.
The deep water channel in Newport Harbour.